Television actor Akshay Kharodia, known for his role in Pandya Store, recently shocked fans by announcing his separation from his wife, Dr. Divya Punetha. For those unaware, the couple tied the knot in 2021 and welcomed their daughter Ruhi in 2022. However, Akshay took the time to Instagram and shared heartfelt photos accompanied by an emotional note to confirm the end of their marriage. Scroll down to know more!
A Heartfelt Announcement
The Pandya Store actor shared a touching message on Instagram on Saturday, where he spoke about the end of their marital relationship. In his post, Akshay highlighted that despite the separation, he and Divya remain committed to co-parenting their daughter, Ruhi. Furthermore, he acknowledged the love and respect they shared over the years.
Akshay wrote, “Hello, everyone, with a heavy heart, I want to share a deeply personal update. After much thought and countless emotional conversations, Divya and I have decided to part ways. This has been a tough decision for both of us. Divya has been an irreplaceable part of my life, and the love, laughter, and memories we’ve shared will always remain precious to me. Together, we were blessed with the greatest gift—our daughter, Ruhi—who will always be the center of our world.”
He explained, “As we take this step, our commitment to Ruhi remains unwavering. She will always have both her parents’ love, care, and support, and we will continue to co-parent with love and respect for her well-being.”
While Akshay refrained from sharing specific details about the separation, he asked for privacy during this challenging time. He concluded his post by saying, “This is not an easy moment for our family, and we ask for your understanding, kindness, and privacy as we navigate this challenging time. Please remember us not for this moment of separation but for the love and joy we once shared. Thank you for standing by us with your support and compassion.”
The Road Ahead
The announcement stunned fans and followers, as Akshay and Divya had always been in deep love. Many admired the glimpses of their lives shared on social media.
As Akshay progresses with this new chapter, fans hope he will continue to shine in his career. The focus remains on how the actor balances his personal life with his professional commitments.
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