Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi and INDIA bloc MPs met Birla on Thursday and told him that reference to Emergency was “unnecessary”. MPs including Supriya Sule (NCP-SP), Misa Bharati (RJD) and Kanimozhi (DMK) said Birla’s actions were “a very grave matter impacting Parliament’s credibility”. They expressed “profound concern and anguish over this travesty of parliamentary traditions”.
Soon after taking over as Speaker on Wednesday, Birla read out a resolution flaying the Congress government under Indira Gandhi for imposing Emergency and called members for a two-minute silence. It triggered protests from the Opposition.
Congress on Thursday lodged a protest via a formal letter by AICC general secretary (organisation) KC Venugopal: “Yesterday, that is June 26, 2024, at the time of offering felicitations on your election as Lok Sabha Speaker, there was general camaraderie in the House… (However) reference from the Chair in regard to declaration of Emergency is deeply shocking… I, on behalf of Indian National Congress, express our profound concern and anguish over this travesty of parliamentary traditions.”
Later, Venugopal told reporters: “So many things were discussed… about the functioning of Parliament. Of course, this issue also came up and Rahulji…told the Speaker the reference could have been avoided.”