Receive a disturbing text about something going down either Friday or Saturday in the Seaport district of South Boston? Boston Police says it’s a hoax.
“We have no credible threat in the Snowport,” Sgt. Det. John Boyle, Boston Police’s chief spokesman, told the Herald Friday.
From what the Herald can gather, some people online shared a text message about a possible mass casualty event in the Snowport.
Some people who saw screenshots took to social media, namely on Reddit, to ask about the credibility of such a threat. The posters were not warmly received by responders who saw straight through the hoax.
“Snowport” is a name the Seaport takes on around the holidays — “Snowport: Seaport’s all dressed in its wintry best,” the neighborhood’s chamber of commerce-type website croons on a webpage devoted to advertising the district’s festive offerings.