A poll, of 2,000 adults, found over a third (38%) aren’t happy to share their snacks, while 39% identify with the 90’s sitcom’s famous catchline “Joey doesn’t share food!”. A fifth (22%) have even imitated the expression when someone has tried to take some of their meal.
Top reasons for people never, or rarely sharing, include not liking other people touching their food (50%) and wanting to enjoy what they paid for (40%). But 17% of non-sharers say they would be more willing to share their food if they can control the exact amount they give away.
Krispy Kreme, which commissioned the research to launch its FRIENDS-inspired doughnut range, partnered with psychologist, Dr Rachel Taylor, who highlighted the good that can come from sharing food. She said: “Sharing food and eating together have deep-rooted social and neuropsychological benefits.
“Eating together triggers positive feelings of trust and empathy – a primal need that evokes safety and comfort from years of evolution. Research has shown that after a food-sharing event, circulating oxytocin levels, also known as the love hormone, increase, so when we share food our brains associate it with social bonding and feelings of belongingness. You could say food sharing is quite literally sharing the love.
“Looking specifically at sweet treats, like doughnuts, there’s the added benefit of the brain seeing it as a reward – so when we share these, or see someone else sharing a sweet treat, our mirror neurons allow us to empathise and build stronger connections to those people. In today’s world, anything that can promote friendship and belonging – like food sharing – is something to embrace.”
The study also revealed men are nearly twice as likely as women to never share their food (14% compared to just 8%). With women more likely than men to share their food in general even if it’s just sometimes (69% compared with 57% of men).
Among the foods adults are least willing to share were chocolate (22%), pizza (17%) and chips (15%). Whereas, sweets (53%), crisps (43%) and doughnuts (23%), were among the treats that people would be most willing to split.
Of those polled via OnePoll.com, 31% said they are least likely to offer their food to colleagues, while partners (39%) are most likely to be on the receiving end of some shared treats.
More than a third (36%) say it’s a great way for everyone to try different flavours, and 28% believe it’s a good way of breaking the ice and bonding with people they don’t really know.
If others offer to share food with them, people feel happy (39%), included (36%) and valued (28%). While six in 10 believe sharing food with someone is a sign you really like them.
Krispy Kreme is giving away limited-edition doughnut slicers from 17th to 18th June at their shops to people who say “Joey Dozen Share Food” at the till, which also gives half off a box of assorted dozen doughnuts.
A spokesperson said: “To share or not to share food is a debate we’re all familiar with, and it’s hard to talk about the topic without thinking about Joey’s famous catchphrase ‘Joey doesn’t share food’. To celebrate 30 years of the iconic TV show Friends, we wanted to do something that helps the ‘Joeys’ of the UK see the benefits of sharing food, something we’re very passionate about. Doughnuts are the perfect treat to share with family, friends and even colleagues, so we’ve launched this range for fans of the show to enjoy together.”