The Netflix docu-series Nayanthara: Beyond The Fairy Tale aimed at showcasing the journey of the Lady Superstar along with focusing on her relationship with Vignesh Shivan and their dreamy wedding affair in Tamil Nadu. However, the docu-series soon became mired in a legal controversy when Dhanush issued a legal notice against Netflix and Nayanthara for unauthorized usage of footage from his 2015 film Naanum Rowdy Dhaan, which also led the latter calling out the actor-producer in public. While the matter was soon taken to court, now the Madras High Court has scheduled the hearing for January 22.
Nayanthara vs Dhanush legal battle: Court schedules hearing for January 22
The hearing has been postponed
According to Times Now, the decision to delay the hearing stemmed from the request made by Netflix who have requested the Madras High Court to grant more time. Justice Abdul Quddhose has posted the date as January 22 and have summoned both the parties with a firm warning that there will be no further adjournment of dates.
The reason behind Dhanush vs Nayanthara battle
After the release of the Netflix documentary Nayanthara: Beyond The Fairytale, the legal team of Dhanush issued a notice to the makers and the actress seeking a compensation of Rs. 10 crores for unauthorized usage of footages from Dhanush’s production Naanum Rowdy Dhaan.
Followed by this, an upset Nayanthara took to social media to call out Dhanush’s actions as a ‘a personal vendetta’ further insisting that he was unresponsive when they sought permission. In the letter, Nayanthara wrote, “After two long years of battling it out with you for an NOC (No Objection Certificate) and waiting for your approval for our NetFlix documentary release, we finally decided to give up, re-edit and settle for the current version since you declined to permit the usage of Naanum Rowdy Dhaan songs or visual cuts, even the photographs to say the least despite multiple requests.” The actress further went on to express her disappointment as she couldn’t use the music of the film which received much love from audience during its release, about nine years ago.
She went on to add that the footages used in the docu-series were taken on personal devices. “What’s even more shocking is your legal notice after the release of the trailer of the Netflix Documentary. We were startled to read those lines wherein you questioned the usage of some videos (just 3 seconds) which were shot in our personal devices and that too BTS visuals that are already very much publicly present on social media and claimed a sum of Rs.10 crores as damages for the mere 3 seconds. This is an all time low from you and speaks so much about your character. I wish you were half the person you portray to be on stage in audio launches in front of your innocent fans but clearly you do not practice what you preach, at least not for me and my partner”, the actress added.
Also Read: Nayanthara: Beyond The Fairytale: Netflix to compensate Chandramukhi makers for unauthorized footage? Sivaji Productions clarify on legal woes
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