Mike Johnson Asked if Biden’s Presidency Is ‘God’s Will’

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) is sharing whether he believes President Joe Biden’s presidency is the will of God.

During a press conference on Wednesday, a reporter asked, “Do you believe that Joe Biden’s presidency is God’s will?”

Johnson laughed then repeated the question and stated, “Oh, I know where you’re going with this.”

“I said in my speech before I took the gavel that, look, I’m a Bible-believing Christian, right? A Bible-believing Christian believes what the Bible says,” he added.

He went on:


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“The Bible says that God is the one that raises up people in authority. I believe God is sovereign, by the way, so did the Founders — I quoted the Declaration of Independence — they acknowledged that our rights don’t come from government, they come from God. And we’re made in his image, everybody’s made the same.”

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Finally, Johnson said, “So if you believe all those things, then you believe that God is the one that allows people to be raised in authority.”

“It must have been God’s will then. That’s my belief,” he added.

Still, Johnson said he believes “a nation makes a decision collectively because we’re giving free will to do that.”

“And I think we’re going to make a much better choice coming up,” he said.

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