Kamaal R Khan, known for his controversial views on Bollywood, has faced trouble due to his outspoken nature. Recently, Mika Singh shared that comedian Kapil Sharma once visited KRK’s home, causing a ruckus, while rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh went further by pulling KRK‘s hair.
In an interview with The Lallantop, Mika shared his relationship with KRK and some past events. He explained that KRK was like a son to him and a lovely person. They used to live near each other, and Mika would often visit him, sometimes without informing him. Mika would call him “bhai” and KRK knew he was a bit crazy. While KRK would criticise Bollywood actors, some of them would ask Mika to talk to him and calm him down, so Mika acted as a mediator.
The singer further recalled a time when Honey Singh visited KRK in Dubai. He mentioned that KRK had said something about Honey that upset him. Honey, along with Ayushmann Khurrana and Kapil Sharma, was angry with KRK. Mika suggested they visit KRK in Dubai, pretending to be drunk, and confront him. They were rude, and the next day, KRK told them they had behaved badly. Mika responded that he didn’t remember anything because they were drunk, and it seems they even pulled his hair.
Mika also shared an incident from around 2012-2013 involving Kapil Sharma. He revealed that Kapil was very upset with KRK and, upon learning that Mika was his neighbor, asked him to take him to KRK’s place.