South Indian actor Vijay Sethupathi is currently enjoying the positive feedback he’s receiving for his latest film Merry Christmas. The actor is known for his ability to make even a small appearance in Bollywood films work wonders. He delivered a phenomenal performance in Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan. However, as we know, Vijay Sethupathi was supposed to star in Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha but opted out of the film. There were speculations that Aamir was unhappy with Vijay because the latter refused to lose weight as per his request, and hence the two didn’t work together. Finally, Vijay Sethupathi has revealed the real reason why he didn’t do Laal Singh Chaddha.
Vijay Sethupathi said no to Laal Singh Chaddha due to THIS reason
During a conversation with The News Minute, Vijay Sethupathi revealed the reason why he had to say no to Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha. He expressed his excitement about the film and stated that he was blown away by the script and his character when Aamir Khan narrated the story to him personally in Chennai. Vijay mentioned that he immediately said yes to the film, but unfortunately, he had to back out due to the constant delays and rescheduling of many projects because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As there were five other projects to work on, Vijay was unable to accommodate a specific date for Laal Singh Chaddha and hence, he informed Aamir about his decision to opt-out of the film.
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