Bollywood actress Isha Koppikar parted ways from her husband Timmy Narang after 14 years of marriage. The two decided to go their separate ways. As per various reports, the two were having compatibility issues which became the biggest reason for their split. The two are parents to a daughter named Rianna. Isha left Timmy’s Pali house in Mumbai along with her daughter. The estranged couple is trying to maintain privacy and remained tight-lipped about the entire issue. Well, Isha and Timmy met at the gym in 2005 and their conversation bloomed into love. The two decided to take their relationship forward in November 29, 2009.
A source revealed to ETimes, ‘The couple parted ways due to compatibility issues, which cropped up a while ago. They tried every bit to save the marriage but didn’t succeed’.
On the work front, Isha was seen in films including Don, 36 China Town, and Krishna Cottage. Recently, Isha gave an interview to a media portal and broke her silence on her divorce. ‘I really cannot pinpoint what went wrong… we just kind of drifted apart. It was his decision, he said, This is not working out’. And I said, ‘Okay, fine’. Then, we just parted ways. Only mature people can take decisions like these…It was easy for me not to give him a divorce, but that would go against my values. We separated amicably. It was very tough for me. I wanted some answers, which I got from the universe. I’m very spiritual. What’s the point of being together and then bickering and fighting constantly? After all, when something stagnates, it stinks… even water’, said Isha.
Isha also said that her estranged husband Timmy ‘It was irresponsible of him because I wanted Rianna to accept it slowly. I wanted to bring it up with her in a different way, but before that, he spoke about it. He later agreed that it was a blunder and apologised for it’.
Who is Timmy Narang?
Rohit Narang aka Timmy Narang is a hotelier by profession. He is the owner of Narang International Hotels Pvt Ltd. He was born in 1967 and hails from Mumbai. He comes from a rich family background. His net worth is around Rs 30 crores as per reports.
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