“I am not sure if the time has already come for us to be taking stock of the reforms we initiated in 1991. But, let me sincerely compliment The Economic Times for thinking of this innovative manner of marking 15 years of economic reforms. I am truly grateful to you for inviting five of us here. My Cabinet colleagues Shri Chidambaram and Dr Ahluwalia, my friend and adviser Dr Rangarajan, and Governor Reddy were all undoubtedly part of the original Team of 1991. By 1991, I do think that mainstream intellectual opinion had comprehensively rejected the regime that was dubbed the ‘Licence Permit Raj’ before we, in government, finally managed to dismantle it. I must place on record the unwavering commitment of the Economic Times to economic liberalisation and reform.
In those early years The Economic Times stood by us, supported us and guided us. By and large, the reforms of the 1990s were right. But I admit that there was a relative neglect of investment in agriculture, education and health care. Agriculture and employment generation can be ignored at our own peril. They can put at risk all the benefits that have accrued so far from reforms. We need to expand the meaning of reforms to include the reform of our education and health care systems.
I know that I have in front of me, the elite of Indian enterprise. Many of you have inspired a new generation of Indians to seek greater glory and climb higher peaks. But I do want to remind you once again that we owe our society, our nation, our people an obligation. We must work together to rid this ancient land of ours of an ancient scourge — of poverty, ignorance and disease — in our lifetime. We must all work together to build a new India of our dreams — a prosperous India of more equity and greater equality.”
Dr Manmohan Singh at the 2012 ET awards
In 2012:
“Six years ago, I was here in Mumbai at an ET Awards function that celebrated 15 years of reforms. The economy was booming and the mood in Mumbai was exuberant. Double digit growth seemed achievable. FDI and FII flows were rising rapidly. Govt revenues were buoyant and fiscal deficit was shrinking. The sense of optimism was all pervading. Times have changed since then. The global economy is under stress. Growth rates have slowed down everywhere. There is considerable uncertainty about the period over which growth will revive in the industrialised world. The Indian economy has also been affected by these developments. This has dampened investor sentiment. Doubts are being raised in some quarters about the India growth story going astray.
Economies go through ups and downs and downturns do dampen spirits. However such downturns can have value if they make us focus on the weaknesses that are masked when times are good. India’s slowdown is partly because of the global downturn, but it is partly also because of domestic constraints which have arisen.
We cannot do much about the global slowdown. But we can, and must, correct our own weaknesses, and create opportunities for economic growth and employment at home. This is the challenge before us. I assure you this will remain the focus of our policy in the months ahead. We have taken several steps in the past few months.
Last year, this newspaper presented a 10 point Agenda for Renewal and Reform. If you look at this agenda, you will see that we have moved forward on most fronts in a substantive way. I hope we will get some editorial approval for this! Over the past decade, we have been experiencing in this country and around the world a ‘revolution of rising expectations’. This has, on the one hand, unleashed new energies in our society and, on the other, fostered an atmosphere of great impatience and cynicism. This is a challenge that all of us must deal with, together, so that we can socially and politically sustain an environment conducive to higher economic growth and the full flowering of Indian enterprise.”