Mumbai, May 3: After launching the Mahindra XUV3XO, the Indian automaker has silently introduced a special edition of the Mahindra XUV700 flagship SUV. Dubbed the XUV700 Blaze Edition, the SUV is based on the top-of-the-line AX7 L variant sporting a matte red shade. Offered in a 7-seater configuration, the limited-run variant is available with petrol and diesel engines. However, both versions get front-wheel drive options only. Prices for the special edition begin from Rs. 24.24 lakh (ex-showroom) – which makes it about Rs. 25,000 costlier than the standard AX7 L variant. Mahindra XUV 3XO Launched in India.
The Mahindra XUV700 is currently priced in India between Rs. 13.99 and Rs. 26.99 lakh (ex-showroom). Though the SUV doesn’t get any design changes, it gets blacked-out elements on the front grille, alloy wheels, ORVMs and roof that are further highlighted by the new Matte Blaze Red colour. Moreover, it also flaunts the ‘Blaze‘ moniker on the front door and tailgate for easy identification.
Mahindra XUV700 Blaze Edition Launched in India:
The powerhouse of sophistication is now Blazing Red. Witness a new world of luxury erupt with the Mahindra XUV700 Blaze Edition. Starts at Rs.24.24 Lakh. #TrulyMagnificent #Hell02024XUV700 #XUV700
— MahindraXUV700 (@MahindraXUV700) May 3, 2024
On the inside, the Mahindra Blaze edition sports red highlights on the AC vents and centre console, as well as contrast red stitching for the seats. Apart from this, there are no changes or upgrades to the feature list. As it’s based on the top-end variant, the Blaze edition gets a 10.25-inch touchscreen infotainment unit, dual-zone AC, ventilated front seats, 10.25-inch digital instrument cluster, 6-way powered driver’s seat with memory function and welcome feature, panoramic sunroof, and more.
Mechanically, there are no changes seen on the XUV700 Blaze edition. As mentioned above, the SUV comes with a choice of petrol and diesel engines – where the petrol unit is a 2.0-litre, 200 PS unit while the oil burner is a 2.2-litre, 185 PS mHawk engine. The petrol unit is offered with automatic transmission only whereas the diesel version gets both manual and automatic transmissions.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 03, 2024 10:28 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website