Actor Kushal Tandon has taken a firm stand against the online abuse he has been receiving from fans of Asim Riaz. Following his critical remarks about Asim’s conduct on “Khatron Ke Khiladi 14,” Kushal reported that he has been bombarded with abusive messages on social media. In response, he lodged a formal complaint with the cybercrime cell, targeting a few particularly offensive individuals.
Kushal Tandon lodges cybercrime complaint against abusive fans of Asim Riaz
Warning to abusive fans
Kushal did not hesitate to publicly warn Asim’s fans about the consequences of their actions. Sharing a screenshot where a fan apologized after allegedly receiving a call from the cybercrime authorities, Kushal made it clear that online abuse would not be tolerated. “To people who have the audacity to abuse you, because they think they can write anything behind closed walls? But as soon as they get a call from cybercrime, their reply is in my inbox,” he wrote.
Public criticism of Asim Riaz
The conflict began when Kushal criticized Asim on X (formerly Twitter) for bragging about his cars and wealth. He mocked Asim’s display of second-hand cars and questioned his financial status, stating, “What car is he flaunting about second-hand cars? Kitna paisa hain be? Bank account details share karna.” Kushal also commended host Rohit Shetty for his handling of the situation on the show.
Incident on Khatron Ke Khiladi 14
Asim Riaz’s behavior on Khatron Ke Khiladi 14 led to significant controversy. He was expelled from the show after a heated argument with host Rohit Shetty. The altercation escalated when Asim had an ugly spat with co-contestant Abhishek Kumar, during which he charged at him with a shoe. This incident highlighted the tension and drama that has unfolded this season.
Call for responsible fan behavior
Kushal’s actions serve as a reminder of the importance of responsible behavior online, especially among fan communities. He emphasized that abusive behavior would have repercussions and encouraged fans to engage in respectful discussions. By taking legal action, Kushal aims to set a precedent for how online harassment should be addressed and deter similar behavior in the future.
Also Read: Kushal Tandon and Arjit Taneja condemn Asim Riaz’s aggressive behavior on Khatron Ke Khiladi 14
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