For the first time ever, fans are in for a treat as the iconic sister duo, Karishma Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan share the screen on Netflix’s The Great Indian Kapil Show. In their most candid avatars yet, they take viewers on a rollercoaster of laughter, sharing fun-filled and lesser-known anecdotes. Kapil Sharma digs into how well the sisters know each other, their famous Kapoor khandan, and the memories of their Bollywood journey, spiced with tales of their childhood and film sets.
Kareena Kapoor Khan drops truth bomb about Karisma Kapoor ‘having a crush on’ Salman Khan on The Great Indian Kapil Sharma
The makers unveiled the promo, earlier on Wednesday, on the social media platform and the episode is definitely a riot! With Lolo’s panache and Bebo’s sass, the promo shares a glimpse of the fun audiences can expect from this episode. Also in a rare confession, Kareena is seen talking wholeheartedly about her love story with Saif Ali Khan aka Saifu along with breaking the news about Karisma’s alleged crush on popular co-star Salman Khan.
During one such conversation, Karishma hilariously recounts her reaction to learning about Kareena’s relationship with Saif Ali Khan. She shares, “I remember, main London mein thi and Kareena ka phone aaya (Kareena called). I asked kya ho raha hai (what happened), she said I think I need to tell you something, but you should sit down, if there is a calm place, you sit on a sofa. I was in a shop, there was one sofa and I sat. She then said “see, the thing is that I am in love with Saif.” What was Karishma’s reaction? Saif was her co-star first. Karishma’s story left everyone in splits, turning the studio into a laughter riot!
Tune in to find out Karishma’s retort to Kareena’s confession. With many more such delightful moments in store, audiences are set to not only know the Kapoor sisters like never before but also to laugh till their cheeks ache. Want More? Promising to be the sister duo who will definitely turn your Shanivaar into Funnywaar, the episode will drop on the streaming platform on October 12.
Also Read: UNIQLO announces Kareena Kapoor Khan and Sidharth Malhotra as new brand ambassadors
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