Janhvi Kapoor celebrated Raksha Bandhan with paparazzi by tying rakhis on their wrists, showcasing her kindness and humility, and creating a heartwarming bond with them.
Janhvi Kapoor celebrated Raksha Bandhan with the paparazzi in a heartwarming gesture, showcasing her kindness and humility. She surprised the photographers by tying rakhi threads on their wrists, creating a sense of bonding and connection. The paparazzi, often seen as just doing their job, were visibly moved by Janhvi’s gesture, smiling and thanking her as she tied the rakhis. This act displayed Janhvi’s down-to-earth nature and willingness to go beyond the usual norms of celebrity-paparazzi interactions. By celebrating Raksha Bandhan with them, Janhvi showed appreciation for those who contribute to her life and career in their own way.