Other Reddit advised on how they store their bananas.
One person suggested: “When you buy them, buy different bananas at different stages of ripeness, just take a couple off many different bunches to achieve this.”
Another added: “Cut them up and store them in your fridge or freezer.”
A third commented: “Hang them from a banana stand, and wrap the top with saran wrap. When you take one from the bunch, use a scissors to cut the one you want.
“This will prevent you from accidently opening up another one. Keep in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight.”
Meanwhile, another said: “You can make smoothies out of them, and then put the smoothies in popsicle holders to make popsicles.
“Or you can put popsicle sticks straight in the bananas, freeze them on a metal tray, then dip them in melted chocolate and toasted nuts, and then put them back in the freezer, and then eat them as a healthier dessert.”
And finally someone suggested: “Just buy some that are green and will take a few days to ripen. The very ripe ones you can keep whole in the fridge to stop them from over-ripening.”
Do you have any handy tips for food storage?