A month ago, on December 4, 2024, a stampede happened outside Hyderabad’s Sandhya theatre during Pushpa 2: The Rule’s screening. Actor Allu Arjun was also present for the screening, which was attended by hundreds of fans. Due to overcrowing, the stampede led to the death of a 35-year-old woman, Revathi. Revathi was present for the screening with her husband and two sons. Since then, it has been a stressful environment in the film industry, especially for Arjun.
Allu Arjun granted relief bail
Well, there’s a big update in the Hyderabad Stampede Tragedy. Actor Allu Arjun has been granted relief bail in the case. The Pushpa 2 star had spent a night in the prison and was also interrogated for hours in the same case. As reported by several entertainment news portals, the Nampally court in Hyderabad granted the relief bail to the star.
As reported by PTI, the Arya star has to provide two surities of Rs 50,000 each and also has to meet the investigating officer on Sunday, the actor’s lawyer Ashok Reddy informed. Meanwhile, due to the stampede, Revathi’s son was admitted to the hospital. Earlier, the actor and director Sukumar stated that they will help the victim’s family in every possible way.
Watch a video on Pushpa 2 below
Last month, after Allu Arjun’s arrest, his father, Allu Aravind, said in a statement that they will provide a lot of support to the boy and his family. “To support the family and the boy and for his future, we thought we should support him with Rs 2 crore. The amount is being handed over to Dil Raju and we requested him to convey it to the family,” said Aravind. Meanwhile, the movie also stars Rashmika Mandanna, who earlier showed her support towards her co-star. After his arrest, some people even pelted stones at the actor’s house, risking his family’s safety.
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