Salman Khan’s birthday marks the end of the year. The Dabangg Khan of Bollywood celebrates his birthday on December 27. Generally, he celebrates this special day with his family members and friends at his Panvel farmhouse. The party then goes on till the New Years as the Khan-daan welcomes the New Year with a bang. But will 2023 be different? Well, here’s what fans can expect on Salman Khan’s birthday. The Tiger 3 star may drop major announcements of his upcoming projects to make his birthday all the more special.
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Salman Khan was last seen in Tiger 3, the film that brought him some box office success. The movie that also starred Katrina Kaif managed to create buzz as it brought back Tiger and Zoya on the big screen. However, one can say that it was a lacklustre year for Salman Khan as Tiger 3 did not perform as well as other big films like Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan and Pathaan. His movie Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan that released in April 2023 too failed to gain box office success. But despite all, Salman Khan seems to have many films in the pipeline.
Salman Khan has a big surprise for fans?
There is great buzz around Tiger vs Pathaan. We have already seen the wonder and magic that Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan combo creates on the big screen. Thus, fans are more than excited to get updates about Tiger vs Pathaan. Apart from this, there are reports suggesting that Salman Khan has signed a Karan Johar movie. Then there is a film with Sooraj Barjatya that is allegedly titled Prem Ki Shaadi. Rumours of Kick 2 and Dabangg 4 have been doing the rounds of gossip mills for quite sometime now. However, there is no confirmation or any update on these movies. Thus, in order to make his birthday special for his fans, Salman Khan may drop a big announcement of his next big project. The actor can also announce his next Eid release, as we all know that the festive is ruled by the Dabangg Khan.
Check out Salman Khan’s video on success below:
Arbaaz Khan’s wedding with Sshura Khan
Meanwhile, Khan-daan is currently busy celebrating Arbaaz Khan’s wedding with Sshura Khan. A new member is added to the big family and the celebrations have doubled.
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