Ahead of the European Council, during which EU leaders will debate the future of EU enlargement, Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs will discuss enlargement with the foreign ministers of Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia and the deputy ministers or secretaries of state of Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece and Hungary.
MEPs want to exchange views with their guests and to seek solutions on how to approach challenges that EU enlargement will face in the future.
When: Tuesday 19 March 2024, 8.30 – 10.00
Where: Room: ANTALL (6Q2) and remotely
You can follow the discussion live. Check the meeting agenda.
In the 2023 annual report on Common Foreign and Security Policy, MEPs warn that the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has significantly destabilised countries in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership. According to the report, this jeopardises EU security. To address this, the report recommends that the EU reform its neighbourhood policy and accelerate the enlargement process.
In February Parliament adopted a report calling for institutional and financial reforms to ensure EU’s capacity to absorb new members. With Ukraine Facility it approved a long-term funding for Ukraine to aid its recovery and modernisation efforts and help it on the journey towards EU membership. MEPs also supported the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans to bolster the EU’s partners in the region by facilitating extensive socio-economic reforms, enhancing rule of law, and fundamental rights and hasten the economic alignment of these partners with the EU standards.