On Friday afternoon, several reports flooded the internet that Amitabh Bachchan has been hospitalised and underwent an angioplasty. The actor was hospitalised at Kokilaben Ambani hospital However, the angioplasty was not done was not done in his heart but on some clot in his leg. A source has now told ETimes, “The angioplasty happened on Friday morning but Mr Bachchan is back home now and recovering.”
Amidst this news, Bachchan had just tweeted few hours ago, saying, “in gratitude ever ..”
Amidst this news, Bachchan had just tweeted few hours ago, saying, “in gratitude ever ..”
It seems like, Mr Bachchan had tweeted this after his surgery as he’s now recovering.Several fans were also worried and have poured in recovery wishes for him. A fan wrote, “I pray thay you stay healthy.”
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