Eklavya Model Residential Schools has released EMRS Answer Key 2023. Candidates who have appeared for the recruitment examination can check and download the answer key through the official website of EMRS at emrs.tribal.gov.in.
The OMR answer sheet and answer key has been released on January 3, 2024. Candidates who want to raise objections against the answer key can do it till January 6, 2024. The candidates may challenge the answer(s) with a non-refundable prescribed fee of Rs.1000/- per question as processing charges, in case they are not satisfied with any of the answer(s). Only paid challenges made during stipulated time will be considered. Challenges without payment of fee and those submitted on any other medium (viz. email/letter/representation) will not be considered.
To download the answer key, candidates can follow the steps given below.
The subject experts will examine all the challenges received and then the final answer keys will be prepared by them. The result will be declared according to the final answer keys prepared by the subject experts. For more related details candidates can check the official website of EMRS.