Delhi Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) P Krishnamurthy said that a total of 22 demonstration centres have been set up in all 11 districts of Delhi for voters’ awareness regarding how to cast their vote using the Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) and verify their choices through the Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT).
According to the statement, 70 mobile vans have also been deployed, one in each assembly constituency, for awareness. They will be covering all polling station locations at least once during the awareness campaign.
He also appealed to the voters of Delhi to make use of this opportunity to be aware of the voting process by EVMs and VVPATs as it will save time on the polling day.
The VVPAT machine allows the voter to see a printed slip for seven seconds showing the serial number, name, and symbol of the chosen candidate. It allows voters to verify and confirm that their votes have gone to the candidate of their choice.