Bollywood actor Aadar Jain got engaged to his fiance Alekha Advani on November 23, Saturday. Their pre-wedding festivities kickstarted and several B-town celebs attended their ceremony. Randhir Kapoor, Babita, Neetu Kapoor, Karisma Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and Ranbir Kapoor were spotted at the ceremony. Aadar and Alekha look madly in love with each other as they pose together for the paps. The two were seen twinning in white and painted the town red with their chemistry.
Aadar who was earlier in a relationship with actress Tara Sutaria and they parted ways due to personal reasons. Netizens were quick to assume that Tara attended her ex-beau’s roka ceremony. Well, the truth is that Tara was at her friend’s wedding in Mumbai.
Earlier, Tara shared a picture of the book titled Karma Is A Bitch on Instagram stories as she wrote, ‘Just got my hands on Shome Mak’s new book, Karma Is A Bitch. I cannot wait to start reading. Everyone grab your copy now!’
On the personal front, Aadar is the son of Reema Jain, the sister of actors Randhir Kapoor and Rishi Kapoor. He made his Bollywood debut with the Qaidi Band in 2017 and was later seen in 2021 film Hello Charlie. While, his fiance Alekha Advani is the founder of Way Well, a Mumbai-based community that organizes wellness events, workshops. She also models clothing and jewellery brands. Alekha graduated from Cornell Hotel School in 2016. She also spent two years as a hospitality consultant at Deloitte in Los Angeles. Alekha spent three years in an operations-focused role in Soho House in Mumbai. Alekha referred to herself as the third wheel in Aadar and Tara’s relationship. Aadar confirmed his relationship with Alekha at Diwali party hosted by his cousin Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan in 2023.
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