The soon-to-be parents Deepika and Ranveer flew to Jamnagar to join the pre-wedding festivities of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. Deepika exuded casual elegance in a white knitted oversized sweater paired with matching palazzo pants, while Ranveer sported a coordinated look with a white sweatshirt, pants, and a cap. The couple appeared overjoyed as they received congratulations from the paparazzi.
A social media user shared several pictures of Deepika and Ranveer from various public outings, highlighting their frequent twinning in white attire over the years. The user pointed out instances such as their departure for their wedding and their recent appearance post the baby announcement, where they both opted for white outfits. The user speculated that there might be some secret significance to this pattern, known only to the couple themselves.
Deepika Padukone & Ranveer Singh get mobbed in Jamnagar | Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant’s pre-wedding
As soon as the post was shared, it stared doing rounds on social media, which attracted a lot of reactions and interpretations. Some dismissed the trend as mere coincidence, while others speculated that the couple chose white attire to symbolize new beginnings. Certain social media users also suggested that Deepika and Ranveer opted for white to ward off evil eye.
On February 29, 2024, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh simultaneously took to their Instagram handles and shared a joint post to unveil their ‘good news’. The announcement sent their entire fanbase into a frenzy as they disclosed their impending parenthood. The post featured adorable illustrations of baby essentials such as a bib, shoes, hat, button, and clothes. Atop the image, the couple penned a heartfelt note revealing that their bundle of joy is expected to arrive in September 2024.