Divya Agarwal and Apurva Padgaonkar got married two days back at her home in Chembur. The actress ditched the usual hues of reds and pinks to don a purple lehenga at her wedding. The couple married at the terrace of her home with a gorgeous sunset in the background. Divya Agarwal and Apurva Padgaonkar had dated when the actress did not step into the world of showbiz. After her nasty split with Varun Sood, the actress rekindled her friendship and romance with him. They got engaged last year on her 30th birthday. Divya Agarwal is best known for her reality shows on MTV.
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Divya Agarwal took a cryptic dig at the nonsensical pregnancy rumours
While Divya Agarwal has a great body and can carry off some glam stuff, netizens felt her wedding clothes were really simple. They also noticed how she had covered her stomach. On Instagram, she put a post that read, “Itne mote kyo ho, Itne patle kyo ho, Itne kaale kyo ho, Itne chote kyo ho, itne lambe kyo ho?” Just say, “Pyaare lag rahe ho.” Her waqt bakwas karne ki jarrurat nahi hoti bhai.”
Divya Agarwal and Varun Sood’s relationship ended in 2021. The two had been together for three years. Divya Agarwal said that she is thrilled to marry the love of her life. She said she feels calm and peaceful whenever she is with Apurva Padgaonkar. They had a simple Maharashtrian wedding with only loved ones for company. The only celeb seen at the party was Vishal Aditya Singh.
The two were also trolled for their wedding looks. Some netizens said it was admirable how they did not bother about the negativity.
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