Bollywood power couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh recently embraced parenthood as they welcomed their baby girl on September 8, 2024. The new parents in B-town are on cloud nine these days as they become parents to a little angel. They made a special announcement of their baby’s arrival on their social media platforms which went viral on the social media. Within no time, their friends, family and fans flooded the comments section with congratulatory messages. Well, fans have been waiting to get a glimpse of Deepika and Ranveer’s baby girl and cannot wait any more now.
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s baby girl picture goes viral
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s baby girl picture from the hospital are spreading like wildfire. Yes, you read that right! In the picture, Deepika Padukone was seen holding her newborn daughter in her arms. Fans are in love with Deepika and her newborn baby girl and cannot get enough of them. This a big story in entertainment news.
The image of Deepika cradling her baby girl on a hospital bed made fans praise the little girl. Well, the perfect picture of Deepika and her baby girl managed to win millions of hearts. Deepika was seen glowing with joy as she held her newborn close to her heart. The post-birth moment was captured beautifully. As the picture touched many hearts of netizens, there was a major revelation made regarding the viral picture.
Watch a video on Deepika Padukone
A look at Deepika Padukone and her baby girl’s picture
Deepika Padukone ❤️Mom and daughter.@deepikapadukone #deepikapadukone #mother
— GateKeeper (@GateKeeper2030) September 8, 2024
The image of Deepika and her baby girl is not real, but AI-generated. They were not actual photographs taken after the delivery, but creations that were made. The viral images seemed believable but was the effect of advanced AI technology.
Deepika and Ranveer announced the birth of their daughter through a heartfelt social media post as they wrote, ‘Welcome baby girl. 8-9-2024. Deepika & Ranveer’. Alia Bhatt, Priyanka Chopra, Anushka Sharma and others congratulated the couple.
A few days ago, Deepika and Ranveer visited Siddhivinayak Temple a day before Deepika’s delivery. On the work front, Ranveer has Don 3 in his kitty, while Deepika was last seen in Kalki 2898 AD. Ranveer and Deepika will share screen in Singham Again.
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