Marvel’s Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII is an upcoming three-part series that brings the titular characters together once again. The series, by Joe Kelly and Adam Kubert, takes Deadpool and Wolverine across the globe as they are hunted down by a mysterious new foe. A new video trailer shows off the comic art that awaits readers in the debut issue. It also sets the violent tone for the vicious story as the heroes set about saving the world and themselves again.
Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII
Marvel is putting the fan-favorite duo in their deadliest situation yet with Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII. It all kicks off with the two hunted down by a new foe named Delta. This new super-villain has the power to amplify someone’s abilities, strength, and savagery. As Delta chases the two across the globe, Deadpool and Wolverine must embrace radical change and work together if they want to make it out of this alive.
The trailer introduces a new faction of enemies that will stand in Wolverine and Deadpool’s way. This is a twisted group of individuals eager to watch the two rip each other apart. Known only as “Those Who Watch”, this group uses some nasty weaponry to get what they want. However, they are not the worst of what this series has to offer. Though fans will have to wait to see what exactly newcomer Delta brings to the fight.
A Crazy Ride
With only three issues, Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII is packing a lot of violence in those books. Thankfully, those two characters are the perfect pair to do so. Joe Kelly shares that Deadpool and Wolverine work best when they can use violence and some real nastiness to tell a story. After all, you can never do some serious introspection without getting your hands dirty. The creators behind this new tale promise a dark, funny, and messy ride that fans will surely want to see play out.
Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII is out on 05/01