The comic universe is expanding as DC Comics collaborates with Bazooka Bubble Gum for a brand-new series. This crossover will produce a new digital series consisting of eight action-packed issues. Each issue brings a hero of DC together with a familiar face of the Bazookaverse. All eight issues will release through Bazooka’s Instagram, Facebook, and on The first of these planned digital comics is out now and it brings Wonder Woman together with Jane.
DC Comics And Bazooka Bubble Gum
This DC Comics and Bazooka Bubble Gum collaboration is an important one according to Bazooka. Rebecca Silberfarb, the Vice President of Marketing at Bazooka Companies, says this is a celebration of the company’s legacy with comics. It is also an opportunity for both companies to deliver an immersive experience for comic fans to enjoy. She also shared that being able to work with DC Comics on this series was a treat. This is because both have had such an impact on pop culture, which makes them a perfect fit to tackle this milestone together.
The first issue, which launches just in time for International Women’s Day, brings Wonder Woman into the Bazookaverse to meet Jane. However, DC and Bazooka have a ton of other collaborations waiting to be released to the world. Future issues of this new series will bring DC heroes Batman, Superman, Aquaman, The Flash, and Green Lantern into Bazooka Joe’s Universe. Readers will see their favorite DC characters through the human and fun of the Bazookaverse.
More Than Comics
This DC Comics and Bazooka Bubble Gum collaboration is bringing more than comics to fans. Bazooka is hosting several social media giveaways throughout the year. These giveaways will give fans the opportunity to immersive themselves in the Bazookaverse. Prizes include a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be drawn in a classic Bazooka comic and a year’s supply of Bazooka Bubble Gum.
Keep an eye on Bazooka’s social media for more information.