Kannada actor Darshan Thogudeepa currently in prison, has confessed to assaulting Renukaswamy, according to a chargesheet in the murder case. A news report by CNN-News18 reveals that Darshan admitted to attacking Renukaswamy’s chest, neck, and head. He also accused actress Pavithra Gowda of hitting the 33-year-old with her footwear.
Darshan Thoogudeepa Admits Assaulting Renukaswamy
While recording the statement Darshan Thoogudeepa said, “Renukaswamy was already tired by the time I saw him. It appeared like he was already assaulted (sic).” He further added, “I kicked him near his neck, chest and head. I hit him with my hands and a wooden branch. I asked Pavithra Gowda to hit him with her slipper (sic).”
The Bengaluru police have identified Pavithra as the key figure in Renukaswamy’s murder. Their investigation shows she had significant control over others involved and was actively involved in planning and carrying out the crime.
A few days ago, a disturbing photo of Renukaswamy surfaced online, showing him shirtless and appearing to plead for mercy before his alleged murder. There are strong suspicions that Darshan and his team, accused of torturing him, might be responsible. The 33-year-old had reportedly sent inappropriate messages to a woman named Pavithra, which seems to have angered Darshan. Authorities suggest this could have triggered the violent incident.
Renukaswamy who was a huge fan of Darshan, was found dead near a storm drain next to an apartment complex in Sumanahalli Bengaluru on the June 9. Raghavendra, close associate and member of Darshan’s fan club from Chitradurga, deceitfully kidnapped Renukaswamy by saying that the actor wanted to meet him personally and invited him to a shelter in RR Nagar. Tragically, it was then where where Renukaswamy was tortured to death.
A Bengaluru court has decided to extend the detention of popular Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa, along with his colleague Pavithra Gowda and others, until September 12. They are being held in connection with the murder of a 33-year-old Renukaswamy.The Kannada actor at present is lodged in Ballari jail having been transferred from Parappana Agrahara Central Jail.