The film which ended its first week at the box office with a collection of Rs 43.75 crore, maintained a strong hold over the box office on its second weekend, earning an estimated Rs 14.5 crore. After a big dip in numbers on Monday, earning an estimated Rs 1.75 crore, the film saw a boost in numbers on day 12.According to early estimates on, the film earned Rs 2.15 crore, thus pushing its overall domestic total collection to Rs 62.15 core nett.
The film managed these numbers with just an 11.55% occupancy rate in theatres.While the domestic gross total clocked an estimated total of Rs 71.05 crore, the film’s collections from International markets have shot past Rs 38 crore. This has helped push the 12-day business to the Rs 109.05 crore mark.
The female-led film managed to earn these numbers despite its clash at the ticket windows with the Hollywood release ‘Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire’. The film managed to take a huge bite of the Indian box office, earning an estimated Rs 76.28 crore nett.
Directed by Rajesh A Krishnan, ‘Crew’ is a heist comedy that follows three air hostesses who take charge of their destiny when their airline goes bankrupt. It also stars Diljit Dosanjh, Kapil Sharma, Rajesh Sharma, Saswata Chatterjee and Kulbhushan Kharbanda.
Speaking about the success of her film, Kriti Sanon said, “A film doesn’t have to be led by a man to pull the audience to the theatre. For the longest time, people have not taken the risk of scaling female-oriented films as they do for male-centric ones. They feel audiences won’t come to the theatre and they won’t recover the money.”
“This (response to ‘Crew’) is sort of a start of a change, I am hoping, at least. Slowly, I hope people will come out and risk putting money and scaling a woman-led film as much as they do for male-led films because that also translates to the same amount of numbers at the box office,” she added.
Kriti Sanon on audience’s response to ‘Crew’, male-centric films and possibility of a sequel with Kareena Kapoor and Tabu: ‘It’s a trio that people had never imagined’