Warren Buffet, chairperson and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, once said, “The big question about how people behave is whether they’ve got an inner scorecard or an outer scorecard. It helps if you can be satisfied with an inner scorecard.” Buffet’s insight highlights the importance of relying on an inner scorecard because an external one—measuring yourself against others—can be detrimental to both personal and professional growth.
For starters, comparison can lead to a vicious cycle of depression. Research shows that individuals with depressive symptoms tend to engage in “upward” comparison more on platforms like Instagram, which in turn exacerbates depressive symptoms. What’s more, focusing on others’ external measures of success—like subscribers, followers, or employee headcounts—can derail you from your true goals.
As a business owner for nearly two decades, I understand the temptation to compare myself to colleagues and competitors. With the rise of social media, the risk of harmful comparisons has only increased. Here’s how entrepreneurs can transform the tendency to compare into a valuable tool for self-improvement and stay on track toward their inner goals.
Set flexible personal milestones
When I scroll X and see another post sharing some “personal news,” it’s hard to avoid feeling a twinge of envy sometimes. My instinct is to close the app immediately and try to focus on something else. But what if instead of avoiding those feelings of jealousy and resentment, we faced them head-on?
That’s what Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy of the @lizandmollie Instagram account recommend: paying attention to your strongest envy triggers and understanding why they make you feel like you’re not measuring up. The TED contributors recommend asking yourself if you truly want what someone else has, and if so, is it worth taking action to get it for yourself?
I find this a helpful starting point for identifying what I’m envious of and clarifying my goals. Maybe you’ll realize that you don’t want what someone else has, considering the sacrifices or trade-offs required to get there. Or maybe you’ll decide you do—then you can focus your energy on setting attainable goals. Rather than establishing a strict timeline that has worked for others, you can set goals without dates to avoid added comparisons. Or if you do set deadlines, make sure they’re based on your unique circumstances.
Practice gratitude daily
I once heard a story about a man attempting to climb one of the world’s highest peaks. Asked about how he maintained his motivation despite immense physical and mental challenges, he recalled looking up the mountain and being overwhelmed by how much farther he had to climb—then reminding himself to gaze backward and remember how far he’d already come.