Jammu and Kashmir CM Omar Abdullah praised PM Modi for inaugurating the Sonamarg tunnel. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated Rs 2,700 crore project and interacted with project officials. On the occasion Omar Abdullah appreciated the initiative and said, “You said that you are working on eliminating- Dil ki Doori (difference of hearts) and Delhi ki Doori (distance from Delhi) and this is really proved by your work.” PM Modi visited Jammu and Kashmir first time after the assembly elections in September-October last year. On the smooth conduct of elections in Jammu and Kashmir, Omar Abdullah thanked PM Modi and said, “Elections were held in Jammu and Kashmir and the biggest thing was that there was no complaint of any irregularities anywhere, no complaint of misuse of power. The credit for this goes to you (PM Modi), your colleagues and the Election Commission of India. My heart says that very soon you (PM Modi) will fulfill your promise of restoring statehood.”
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