Rupali Ganguly and Gaurav Khanna starrer Anupamaa has a huge fan following and currently, it is the most talked about TV serial. A lot has been said about the show and we saw Sudhanshu Pandey announcing that he will no longer be seen in the show. He will not play Vanraj Shah in the TV show and took this decision as he wanted to move on. He shared the same on Instagram live and thanked fans for loving him so much for the last four years. He also apologised to fans for taking this big decision suddenly. He also said that he would be back with new characters and requested everyone to be with him forever.
This decision left everyone shocked and many rumours started doing rounds. People said things like he and Rajan Shahi have unfollowed each other and hence there must be some issues. There were reports that Sudhanshu Pandey left because he did not get along with Rupali Ganguly. Sudhanshu leaving Anupamaa is the most talked about thing in Entertainment News.
Chandni reacts to rumours of issues between Sudhanshu, Rupali and Rajan Shahi
However, Sudhanshu recently revealed that these are all fake news and there is nothing wrong between him and anyone else. Now, Chandni Bhagwanani spoke to Free Press Journal and said that there is nothing wrong between Sudhanshu and Rupali. She said that people are mad and say anything.
She further spoke about him and Rajan Shahi. She said that this news is also fake. She shared that Rajan Shahi treats everyone like family and whenever he comes on set to meet the actors, they sit together for readings and discussions. She added that Sudhanshu has always been a part of these discussions.
She was also asked about Paras Kalnawat’s claims that the environment is toxic on the sets of the show. She said she is very happy and people are very nice on the sets. She has also made many friends and usually people who leave are not in touch but she is still in touch with Aashish Mehrotra.
Watch Rupali Ganguly’s speech as she joins BJP
Chandni said she is close to Nishi Saxena, Nidhi Shah, Sudhanshu, Gaurav Sharma on the set.
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