Kenya’s former President Daniel arap Moi mastered the art of silencing critics – why his tactics wouldn’t work today

Countrywide protests, police killings, mass arrests and calls for the president to stand down. This is Kenya in 2024 – and, for many, it’s evoking memories of another era: the 24-year-rule of Daniel arap Moi. However, Kenya is a very different country today with a new constitution, an array of institutional reforms and a freer … Read more

South Africa is trying to put a stop to the abuse of its intelligence agencies

South Africa’s security laws are open to abuse by rogue intelligence operatives and politicians. These laws are meant to govern the conduct of covert activities by intelligence agencies and oversight mechanisms. But weaknesses have been exploited to spy on citizens and for political ends. South Africa has four official intelligence agencies. They are: The interception … Read more

African leaders must push for solutions beyond military intervention

In response to the deepening crisis in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the United Nations Security Council established a panel of independent experts in 2023 to examine the situation and provide it with options to address the conflict. In June 2024, the UN released the panel’s final report. The report provides a devastating account … Read more

the case of Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces

The rise of Sudan’s most notorious paramilitary group, the Rapid Support Forces, shows how armed groups can infiltrate state institutions – often with disastrous results for society. Sudan’s central government created the Rapid Support Forces in 2013 as dictator Omar al-Bashir’s private protection detail. The group has now become a predator seeking to gain control … Read more

Military spending in DRC and South Sudan rose fastest in the world: society ends up paying the price

Global military expenditure is dominated by the United States and China, with 49% of total spending between them. According to the most recent report by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, global military spending reached US$2.4 trillion in 2023, a 6.8% increase on 2022. Africa’s military expenditure is comparatively low. In 2023, African countries spent … Read more

South Africa’s new parliament needs to do a better job of holding cabinet to account: legal scholar weighs the chances

South Africa has entered new territory with a government of national unity after the May elections. The parties representing more than 70% of the electorate will now be the dominant force in parliament. The parties that are not part of the unity government will doubtless continue to demand accountability by the executive. A particular challenge … Read more

oppression of women should be made a crime against humanity – feminist academic explains why

Crimes against humanity are occurring with impunity around the globe; from Myanmar to Sudan, Ukraine and elsewhere. And yet, unlike international treaties for the crimes of genocide, torture, apartheid and forced disappearances, there isn’t a treaty specific to crimes against humanity. That lack is now being remedied. The International Law Commission, a UN expert body, … Read more

Tanzania’s election laws make it hard to build political opposition – what needs to change

Tanzanians go to the polls this year in local elections to vote for street and village chairpersons. This will be followed by a general election next year for councillors, members of parliament and the president. Both sets of elections are being watched closely. They’re the first to be held following a raft of changes over … Read more