Biden Attacks Trump, Warns US Democracy At Risk In State Of Union Speech

Biden Attacks Trump, Warns US Democracy At Risk In State Of Union Speech

President Joe Biden launched a fiery attack on his “dangerous” November presidential election rival Donald Trump in Thursday’s State of the Union address, warning that US democracy is under “assault.” In the dramatic start to the speech, Biden said he wanted to “wake up the Congress and alert the American people” to the danger. “Not … Read more

Ireland Referendum Reforms ‘Comprehensively’ Rejected: Varadkar

Ireland Referendum Reforms ‘Comprehensively’ Rejected: Varadkar

A dual referendum in Ireland on redefining family and women’s roles in the constitution has been “comprehensively” defeated, Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said on Saturday. The result came despite the fact that the government — and most opposition parties — had supported the proposed changes. Peadar Toibin, the leader of the only parliamentary party to … Read more

Exiled Tibetans Guard Heritage From ‘Cultural Genocide’

Exiled Tibetans Guard Heritage From ‘Cultural Genocide’

From teaching centuries-old crafts to cataloguing their language, exiled Tibetans guard the cultural identity of a homeland most have neither seen nor dare visit, and where they say Beijing is eradicating their heritage. Crouched over a minutely detailed devotional “thangka” painting depicting Buddha, artist Lobsang Tenzin teaches students in northern India. “It is important to … Read more

Fanning Mistrust On Health, Russia Seeks Foothold In West Africa

Fanning Mistrust On Health, Russia Seeks Foothold In West Africa

“Health and Sovereignty” was the theme. The conference on December 22, 2023, in Burkina Faso’s capital Ouagadougou brought together researchers and naturopathic practitioners from several West African countries who praised the possibilities of traditional plants. In the predominantly African crowd, one speaker stood out. Denis Degterev, a former diplomat and professor of international relations theory … Read more

International Women’s Day Marked On The Streets And In The Courts

International Women’s Day Marked On The Streets And In The Courts

People around the world marked International Women’s Day Friday with protests, demonstrations and celebrations. Some countries marked the day by voting on — or confirming — groundbreaking legislation. – In Afghanistan, small groups of women staged rare demonstrations in private spaces, after a crackdown by Taliban authorities forced activists off the streets. A handful of … Read more