Survey shows Europeans value EU membership and interested in European elections | News

Survey shows Europeans value EU membership and interested in European elections | News

Over seven in ten citizens believe their country has benefited from being a member of the EU. The main reasons cited by this survey’s respondents are the EU’s contribution to maintaining peace and strengthening security (34%) and the improved co-operation between countries of the Union (34%). Likewise, the image of the EU has remained stable … Read more

Recognition of parenthood in the EU: no discrimination against children’s rights | News

Survey shows Europeans value EU membership and interested in European elections | News

With 14 votes against 4 and no abstentions, the Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) adopted its opinion on draft legislation facilitating the recognition of parenthood across the EU. Its aim is to maintain and strengthen children’s fundamental rights, both minors and adults, increase legal certainty and reduce costs and red tape. Parenthood established nationally, recognised across … Read more

Serbia and Kosovo must work to de-escalate the situation in northern Kosovo | News

Survey shows Europeans value EU membership and interested in European elections | News

The text, adopted by show of hands, condemns in the strongest possible terms “the hideous and cowardly terrorist attack on Kosovan police officers by well-organised Serbian paramilitaries” in Banjska/Banjskë on 24 September 2023, and urges all sides to de-escalate the situation in northern Kosovo. MEPs are closely following the ongoing investigations by the Kosovan authorities … Read more

EU negotiators strike political deal on AI Act – POLITICO

EU negotiators strike political deal on AI Act – POLITICO

BRUSSELS — Members of the European Parliament, EU member countries represented by the Council, and experts from the European Commission have clinched a political deal on the Artificial Intelligence Act, the EU’s pioneering attempt at regulating the emerging technology. Following over 36 hours of negotiations over three days, representatives of the bloc’s three institutions have … Read more

POSTPONED Artificial Intelligence Act: press conference with lead MEPs | News

Survey shows Europeans value EU membership and interested in European elections | News

Co-rapporteurs Brando Benifei (S&D, IT) and Dragoș Tudorache (Renew, RO) will answer questions from journalists on the outcome of negotiations on the Artificial Intelligence Act. When: Timing TBC Where: European Parliament, Brussels, Anna Politkovskaya room – SPAAK 00A50 How: Accredited media representatives can attend the press conference in person. Journalists wishing to ask questions remotely … Read more

Child sexual abuse online: effective measures, no mass surveillance | News

Survey shows Europeans value EU membership and interested in European elections | News

The draft Parliament position was adopted by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs with 51 votes in favour, 2 against, and 1 abstaining. Inter-institutional negotiations were authorised with 48 in favour, 2 against, and 4 abstaining. To protect children online, the new rules would mandate internet providers to assess whether there is … Read more

MEPs condemn Hamas attack on Israel and call for a humanitarian pause | News

Survey shows Europeans value EU membership and interested in European elections | News

In the resolution adopted on Thursday with 500 votes in favour, 21 against and 24 abstentions, MEPs strongly condemn the brutal attacks, express their support to Israel and its people and underline the need to “eliminate the terrorist organisation Hamas”. They also call for the immediate release of all hostages kidnapped by Hamas and recognise … Read more

Why France needs the Fifth Republic

Why France needs the Fifth Republic

France’s current constitution is its fifth, and it’s built for stability – literally. Established in 1958 after the government collapsed in the throes of the Algerian War, the new constitution featured a president with considerable powers. That made the country’s governments more stable – a welcome change from the Third and Fourth Republics – but … Read more

He’s running! Putin wants to be Russian president again – POLITICO

He’s running! Putin wants to be Russian president again – POLITICO

Who could have seen this coming?! Russian President Vladimir Putin is on track to maintain his grip on the country’s top job until the end of the decade, declaring his intent to win an election even his own officials have said is more or less a formality given the near-total clampdown on domestic opposition. The … Read more