Anti-SLAPP: EU protection against legal actions that silence critical voices | News

Anti-SLAPP: EU protection against legal actions that silence critical voices | News

The Legal Affairs Committee adopted its position on new rules to ensure EU-wide protection from vexatious lawsuits against public participation with 15 votes in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention. The new draft rules contain safeguards against strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs) and threats thereof. These are unfounded and abusive legal actions to silence … Read more

EU-CELAC: parliamentarians call for defence of multilateralism, promote trade | News

Anti-SLAPP: EU protection against legal actions that silence critical voices | News

President Roberta Metsola will attend the summit on behalf of the European Parliament, together with the Co-Chair of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) MEP Javi López (S&D, Spain). President Metsola will meet with Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Ecuador’s President Guillermo Lasso, and Uruguay’s President Luis Lacalle Pou. Ahead of the gathering, … Read more

EP TODAY | News | European Parliament

Anti-SLAPP: EU protection against legal actions that silence critical voices | News

MEPs assess outcome of the UN Climate Change Conference COP 28 From 9.00, MEPs will discuss with Commissioner Dalli and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro the results of the COP 28 in Dubai, which concluded on Wednesday. An official EP delegation participated in the COP 28 between 8 and 12 December. Dana POPP(+32) … Read more

Violence against women: sex without consent is rape, say MEPs | News

Anti-SLAPP: EU protection against legal actions that silence critical voices | News

On Wednesday, the committees on Civil Liberties and Women’s Rights approved changes to a proposed directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence. A consent-based definition of rape Building on the Commission’s proposal for a criminal definition of rape based on the absence of consent, MEPs seek to add fear and intimidation to the … Read more

MEPs call on EU and Türkiye to look for alternative ways to cooperate | News

Anti-SLAPP: EU protection against legal actions that silence critical voices | News

Unless there is a drastic change of course by the Turkish government, Türkiye’s EU accession process cannot resume under the current circumstances, say MEPs on the Foreign Affairs Committee in a report adopted on Tuesday (by 47 votes in favour, no votes against and 10 abstentions). Urging the Turkish government, the European Union and its … Read more

Northern Ireland’s DUP dumps coal in Sunak’s Christmas stocking – POLITICO

Northern Ireland’s DUP dumps coal in Sunak’s Christmas stocking – POLITICO

DUBLIN — The Democratic Unionists dumped a lump of coal in the British government’s Christmas stocking Monday, declaring that their party will maintain its stubborn blockade of Northern Ireland’s cross-community government into the new year — a deadlock that could take billions in extra U.K. finance to break. Hopes were dashed of a pre-Christmas breakthrough … Read more

European Parliament Press Kit for the European Council of 14, 15 December 2023 | News

Anti-SLAPP: EU protection against legal actions that silence critical voices | News

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola will represent the European Parliament at the summit, address the heads of state or government at 10.00, and hold a press conference after her speech. When: Press conference at around 10.30 on 14 December Where: European Council press room and via Parliament’s webstreaming or EbS. At their meeting in Brussels, … Read more

EU sanctions: new law to crack down on violations | News

Anti-SLAPP: EU protection against legal actions that silence critical voices | News

On Thursday, MEPs in the Civil Liberties Committee adopted a draft negotiating mandate on violating and circumventing EU sanctions by 36 votes in favour, 2 against and 2 abstentions. It would introduce a common definition of violations and minimum penalties to ensure that they are punished as criminal offences everywhere in the EU. EU sanctions … Read more

Madrid to host the EuroLat Assembly 24-27 July | News

Anti-SLAPP: EU protection against legal actions that silence critical voices | News

The Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) will hold its fifteenth meeting in Madrid from 24 to 27 July, one week after the 17-18 July summit in Brussels of leaders of the EU and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). The 150 members of EuroLat – 75 MEPs and 75 representatives of parliaments … Read more