Union minister Bhupender Yadav said those who encourage prime ministers’ “presence at iftars find their guts twisting and turning when they see the PM perform Ganpati Poojan” at CJI’s residence. “The executive and judiciary praying before Gods revered by crores of devotees across India reflects the real strength of Indian secularism,” Yadav said, adding that do not belittle the festivals.
Addressing a press conference at BJP headquarters here, spokesperson Sambit Patra said: “I am surprised that if the prime minister meets the Chief Justice of India, you raise an objection. But when he (Rahul Gandhi) meets (US lawmaker) Illhan Omar, who is with Pok, in America, you have no objection.”
“In Delhi, Lord Ganesh puja is done at the home of a Maharashtrian every year. However, the ecosystem has suddenly become active as if skies have fallen… Earlier prime ministers used to have iftar parties in their homes and the Chief Justice used to come to the PM’s residence,” posted Maharashtra deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis on X. He also tweeted photos of former PM Manmohan Singh with ex-CJI KG Balakrishnan.