Addressing a press conference at the BJP headquarters, Irani asked if the Congress-led “INDI Alliance” stands against the “economic and constitutional interests” of Jammu and Kashmir as well as the rights that the tribals, Dalits, OBCs, women and children received after revocation of Article 370.
“What they seek is special status for themselves, not the people of Jammu and Kashmir,” she said.
BJP is up in arms against the Omar Abdullah government after the J&K Assembly on Wednesday passed a resolution asking the Centre to hold dialogue with elected representatives for the restoration of special status of the erstwhile state.
BJP members continued to protest in the J&K Assembly on Thursday against the resolution and three party MLAs were marshalled out on the directions of Speaker Abdul Rahim Rather.
Reacting to the developments, Irani said, “Today, I stand as an Indian citizen outraged at the attempt by the Congress-led INDI alliance to bring to the floor of the House a resolution that stands against the Indian Constitution and opinion of the SC of India.”