At the Goa BJP executive meeting, which included state unit president Sadanand Tanavade and Chief Minister Pramod Sawant, Gadkari reflected on the BJP’s journey. He referenced his mentor and former deputy Prime Minister L K Advani, recalling, “Advaniji used to say that we are a party with a difference. We have to understand how different we are from other parties.”
Gadkari emphasized, “If we commit the same mistakes, then there is no use in their exit and our entry,” pointing to the Congress’s errors as the reason for the BJP’s election success. He acknowledged the necessity for BJP cadres to maintain the party’s unique identity and distinguished approach to governance.
The Union minister stressed the importance of political responsibility beyond electoral success. “Politics is an instrument of bringing social and economic reforms,” Gadkari stated. He urged BJP members to develop strategies for a corruption-free India, highlighting the party’s role in fostering national integrity.
Addressing regional political dynamics, specifically in Maharashtra, Gadkari criticized caste-based politics, a strategy he vowed to avoid. He declared his stance against caste-driven political agendas with a stern message: “Jo karega jaat ki baat, usko padegi kaske laath (the one who will speak about caste will get a strong kick).”
Gadkari maintained that individuals should be recognized for their values rather than their caste. This perspective aligns with his broader message of promoting merit and integrity in political and social spheres.In his address to Goa BJP cadres, Gadkari called for proactive engagement in constituencies. He encouraged the party workers to focus on strengthening the organization to ensure BJP retains power in the state assembly elections scheduled for 2027.
Throughout his speech, Gadkari underscored that political leadership is about creating substantive changes and reforms rather than merely seeking power. His remarks aimed to inspire BJP members to uphold the party’s distinct principles and work diligently towards national and state-level improvements.