Kumar recalled that the first time his name for the CM’s post was proposed by the late BJP stalwart Atal Bihari Vajpayee and when he took charge, the state budget was Rs 24,000 crore. He highlighted that the budget had now reached Rs 3 lakh crore and that more needed to be done for the state.
“That’s why we have been consistent in demanding special status for the state. If not special status then special assistance can help the state resolve several issues,” Kumar said. “I am thankful to PM Modi and home minister Amit Shah for providing special assistance for roads, industry, tourism and flood mitigation in the Union budget.”
During the meeting, the JD (U) passed a resolution naming Kumar as the CM face of the NDA in the 2025 assembly election and set a target of winning 225 seats out of 243 seats under his leadership.
The JD (U)’s working president Sanjay Jha took a jibe at opposition leaders in Bihar saying, “There is a difference between a ‘reel’ and ‘real’ leader. Our leader is a real leader who works on the ground. We shouldn’t be worried about prospects,” Jha said.
To ensure better coordination among the NDA partners, Kumar will call a meeting of all district presidents of the alliance constituents, he said. “In January, there will be meetings of district and block level NDA parties in all districts to work as a team,’ Jha said.