Bihar School Timing: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Tuesday announced that school timings of govt schools will be changed. The new timings will be from 10 am to 4 pm (six hours). This comes after Kumar assured the assembly that the existing eight-hour school duration from 9 am to 5 pm in government-run institutions will be reduced by two hours.
“The timings of schools for academic activities should be from 10 am to 4 pm only… it should not be from 9 am to 5 pm,” he said. “Yeh galat hai (this is wrong),” he said about the existing school timings.
“I will immediately call the competent officer of the department and will direct him to change the timings. You (opposition members) people should have told me earlier. Now the new timings will be from 10 am to 4 pm,” Kumar said.
The education department had in November last year issued the new timings for the schools, and it came into effect on December 1.
Besides providing details of class timings, the guidelines specified the disciplinary measures against teachers for not following the new timetable.