Netflix’s upcoming release Bhakshak has been called by many as a brave stride. A hard-hitting narrative, the film, directed by Pulkit and produced by Red Chillies Entertainment, stars Bhumi Pednekar in the lead as Vaishali Singh, along with Sanjay Mishra, Aditya Srivastava and Sai Tamhankar. The film will be released on 9th February, on Netflix India.
Bhumi Pednekar’s sister Samiksha reviews Bhakshak: “You’ve outdone yourself and we are so proud of you”
On Tuesday night at the screening of the film, we saw the industry come out to support the film, from Pratik Gandhi, Anand L Rai, and Rhea Chakraborty, along with the cast of the film walking the red carpet. Among the ones who came for the event was Samiksha Pednekar, Bhumi Pednekar’s younger sister who after watching the film was overwhelmed and posted what we can call one of the first few reviews of the film where she also spoke about the reaction of those in the audience.
Written against a sweet picture of Bhumi’s mother hugging her, Samiksha praised Bhumi and the film, “Proud of you Bhumi, you’ve outdone yourself and we are so proud of you. Bhakshak is one of the most important films of our time! A must-watch! Out on Netflix on Feb 9!” She continued to say how there was complete silence at the screening of the film and after the credits rolled, everyone was teary-eyed. She said that ‘Bhakshak’ was one of the best she had watched in a while.
Others joined Samiksha in praising the film like actor Rithvik Dhanjani and producer Tanuj Garg, who also penned notes for the movie.
Directed by Pulkit and produced by Gauri Khan and Gaurav Verma, Bhakshak features a powerful ensemble including Sanjay Mishra, and Sai Tamhankar, along with Bhumi Pednekar. The film follows the life of a fearless investigative journalist who uncovers shocking secrets hidden within a girls’ shelter home. The film arrives on Netflix on February 9, 2024.
ALSO READ: EXCLUSIVE: Bhumi Pednekar on working with Aditya Srivastava in Bhakshak: “That human being does not have a bone of malice in him”
More Pages: Bhakshak Box Office Collection
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