Bhumi Pednekar, who made an unconventional debut with Dum Laga Ke Haisha, is known for choosing projects which are quite ‘hatke’. Speaking about a similar subject, the actress addressed how her colleagues are choosing scripts and stories over the platform where their projects would release. Post pandemic, leading Bollywood ladies like Deepika Padukone in Gehraiyaan, Alia Bhatt in Darlings, Kareena Kapoor in Jaane Jaan, amongst many others have chosen to do clutter-breaking work on streaming and have tasted massive success. Bhumi too made her streaming debut with the much-acclaimed thriller titled Bhakshak.
Bhumi Pednekar opens up about actresses choosing to make their debut on streaming; says, “Most actors have become platform agnostic post-pandemic!”
Speaking about why leading heroines of her time is making these content-forward moves, Bhumi Pednekar said, “I can speak for myself. As an actor, I would love to be a part of the best projects – theatricals or streaming. I think most actors have become platform agnostic post-pandemic which is why, in the last couple of years, you have seen leading theatrical actors choosing to work in streaming projects and get love from across the world.” She further added, “Streaming has helped actors unlock new set of audiences from various parts of the world. The fact that Bhakshak is part of the global list of hit films, proves that people are consuming the best content from across the world. Language is no longer a barrier. People want to experience stories that touch their hearts. Streaming has enabled us to create a new fan base.”
Bhumi also revealed how she has been getting feedback from her audience, and shared, “For Bhakshak, I have received messages on social media from so many countries that I was shocked to see the impact my work has had. It is something that never happened to me before. So, as an actor, I feel extremely validated that my work is entertaining people globally. I’m sure the others also wanted to experience that which is why so many of us have helmed projects on streaming which became breakout hits!”
Bhakshak, inspired by the true events of the Muzzaffarpur shelter case, is directed by Pulkit and premiered on Netflix on February 9, 2024.
Also Read: Bhumi Pednekar dedicates Bhakshak to journalists; says, “It is my tribute to unsung journalists who sacrifice everything to bring out the truth”
More Pages: Bhakshak Box Office Collection , Bhakshak Movie Review
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