Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin has been in the news since a long time. A lot has been said about the show. We had seen that fans were upset with the makers for changing the storyline suddenly where Ishaan was shown dead. Shakti Arora and Bhavika Sharma made everyone love Ishaan and Savi. They were one of the most loved jodis of telly town but the end of Ishaan broke many hearts. Post that Hitesh Bharadwaj entered the show as Rajat Thakkar. He is a single father and his daughter, Saisha aka Sai is close to her school teacher, Savi. Savi’s life has changed after Ishaan left and she finds happiness with Sai.
We have seen in the recent episodes of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin how Savi misunderstood Rajat first and hence decided to help his ex-wife, Aashka get Sai’s custody. But Savi then realised that Aashka and her new boyfriend Arsh were only using Sai to trouble Rajat. She then decided to help Rajat and hence, they decided to get married so that Sai stays with them. Sai had already said in the court that she wants to stay with Savi.
Bhavika Sharma talks about the upcoming episodes
Hence, Rajat and Savi decided to get married so that Sai is in safe hands. Aashka gets to know about Savi and Rajat’s marriage and tries to stop it but Savi tricks her and gets married to Rajat. We saw the grand wedding functions happening since a long time. This wedding was the big story in in Entertainment News.
Everyone was waiting for the new jodi to get married. Savi and Rajat are two different personalities and now we will see their life after marriage. Bhavika Sharma spoke about the post marriage scenes in a statement. She said that Savi and Rajat had tied the knot, but along with this there will hurdles and struggles which the duo will have to go through post wedding.
She further spoke about the different personalities that Savi and Rajat are. She shared that the viewers will get to watch many cute nok jhok moments between Savi and Rajat. She also shared that they will get a chance to know each other as they have given each other a chance for Sai’s happiness.
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She added, “It will be interesting and intriguing to witness how two different thought-minded people live with each other under one roof, and will Sai be the cupid between her Pari Mumma and Papa is something to watch out for.”
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