In the vlog, Bharti Singh and Haarsh Limbachiyaa offered fans an inside look at their personal lives, including a lunch outing with filmmaker Farah Khan. The couple shared their experience of watching The Great Indian Kapil Show, Kapil Sharma’s new comedy-celebrity talk show. Bharti Singh enthusiastically discussed her favourite artist from the show and mentioned how they ended up watching some episodes multiple times. “Kapil bhai ka jo show hai na, kuchh episodes toh aise hain ki humne do-teen baar dekhe hain. Bahut funny,” she said.
Bharti Singh reveals favourite artist from The Great Indian Kapil Show; enjoys lunch with Farah Khan
During their journey to meet Farah Khan, Bharti expressed her admiration for the show’s team, specifically praising Sunil Grover. “Waise toh saare best hain hi lekin Sunil Grover,” she commented before singing his song ‘9 baje duty shuru hoti hai.’ The affection and appreciation in her voice underscored her genuine fondness for Grover’s performances, highlighting the impact he has had on the audience.
The vlog also captured Bharti and Haarsh’s lunch party with Farah Khan at a fancy restaurant. They anticipated being treated to Indian or desi cuisines but were pleasantly surprised with a variety of Japanese dishes, including sushi, tiramisu, and black fungus udon. Bharti remarked on how Farah, known for her love of cooking, made the experience memorable by sharing unique flavors and dishes with them.
On their way back home, Bharti shared her delight over the tiramisu, calling it the tastiest dish of all. Haarsh humorously added, “Farah mam unke saamne ‘I don’t like Tiramisu’ lekin khaya Farah mam ne bhi utna hi,” which left Bharti in splits. The vlog concluded with Haarsh heading to the gym after their delightful day, rounding off an entertaining and heartwarming peek into their lives.
Also Read: Bharti Singh prioritizes work soon after getting discharged from hospital
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