Saudi Arabia’s gifted students won 610 awards in international scientific competitions in 2023

DHAHRAN: The first thing you notice about Dhahran’s Sama Al-Bakr is her lean physique, dimpled smile, focused gaze, and long dark hair, neatly tied by her mother in a variation of a braid, her signature hairstyle. At age 7, Sama is already a tennis pioneer in Saudi Arabia. With a cabinet full of trophies, all … Read more

What chance does South Africa’s genocide case against Israel have at the International Court of Justice?

LONDON: South Africa’s decision to bring a case against Israel at the UN’s top judicial agency over what it describes as “genocidal acts” in Gaza represents a watershed moment for international law, according to experts. The International Court of Justice confirmed it has received an 84-page suit, filed on Dec. 29, detailing purported brutal practices … Read more

Cargo ship with 15 Indians on board hijacked near Somalia

Representative image New Delhi: A cargo ship, ‘MV LILA NORFOLK’ has been hijacked late last evening near the coast of Somalia and is being closely watched by the Indian Navy which has rushed a warship towards it, military officials said on Friday. The hijacked ship has 15 Indians on board and communication has been established … Read more

Sky is the limit for young Dhahran tennis star

DHAHRAN: The first thing you notice about Dhahran’s Sama Al-Bakr is her lean physique, dimpled smile, focused gaze, and long dark hair, neatly tied by her mother in a variation of a braid, her signature hairstyle. At age 7, Sama is already a tennis pioneer in Saudi Arabia. With a cabinet full of trophies, all … Read more

Arab League backs Somalia in rejecting Ethiopia-Somaliland deal

AL-MUKALLA: Yemen’s internationally recognized Presidential Leadership Council cautioned the Houthis on Thursday against driving Yemen into a conflict with international powers over their Red Sea strikes, according to the official news agency SABA.  The PLC said at a meeting in Riyadh that the Houthis are attempting to spark a war with international powers by intensifying their … Read more

Hyderabadi woman stranded in Oman, sister seeks MEA help

Hyderabad: The sister of a 48-year-old Hyderabadi woman Fareeda Begum who has been stranded in Muscat, Oman, has sought the Minister of External Affairs of India (MEA) Dr S Jaishankar’s help to bring Fareeda back to the country. Fareeda, who is a resident of Jamali Kunta, Golconda, went to work as a housemaid in Dubai, … Read more

Ehsan workshop spurs Saudi charity sector

RIYADH: Razan Al-Ajmmi, Saudi Arabia’s first licensed woman skydiver, has the lofty ambition of opening a school to help others take to the skies. She outlined her plans during a recent interview on The Mayman Show by Arab News. “I want to have like international competitions. I want to see the people around the world coming … Read more

Iran revises down blasts death toll to 84

TEHRAN: Iranian authorities on Thursday said twin blasts in the country’s south killed 84 people the previous day, revising down an earlier toll from the explosions at a top general’s commemoration. Tehran’s official news agency IRNA quoted Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi as saying that “according to forensic statistics, the number of martyrs from this incident … Read more

Legal team of 8 Indians gets 60 days to appeal to Qatar Court: MEA

External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal New Delhi: The legal team of eight jailed former Indian Navy personnel was given 60 days to appeal against the ruling by Qatar’s court of appeal, the Ministry of External Affairs said on Thursday. In December, the Court of Appeal in Qatar commuted the death sentence handed down to the Indians and … Read more

Saudi deputy minister receives Somali ambassador to Riyadh

Up above the world so high: Spanish balloon pilot flies over Saudi Arabia’s AlUla RIYADH: Spanish hot air balloon pilot Francisco Castillo has fulfilled his bucket list goal of flying over AlUla and exploring the beauty of the Kingdom’s desert. Castillo’s love for hot air balloons began at the age of 14 when during a … Read more