Rohit Shetty’s ambitious project Indian Police Force will soon hit the screens on Amazon Prime. The upcoming web show, featuring Sidharth Malhotra, Shilpa Shetty, Vivek Oberoi, among others talks about the extensive efforts put in by the police authorities to nab criminals and playing an essential role in this much talked about project is Ashrut Abhinandan Jain.
Ashrut Abhinandan Jain reveals taking a break after shooting for Indian Police Force; says, “I got so involved that it was really difficult for me to come out of the skin of the character”
Hailing from the heart of Indian cinema, Ashrut Jain made his debut in the digital landscape with the gripping series. In an exclusive interaction, Jain shared insights into his immersive experience portraying a challenging character in Indian Police Force, emphasizing the importance of giving one’s all in еvеry opportunity. He shared, “When you are blessed to work, you really need to give your 1000 percent. I got so involved and went deep into the detailing of the character that it was really difficult for me to come out of the skin of the character. To change the vibe, I took a Great British holiday after we wrapped. It was a glittery one, and I еnjoyеd еvеry sight of it. London is like being in heaven; one must experience this magic once in life. “
The actor, who has worked in theatre, various commercials, and critically acclaimed films in the past, revealed that he deliberately chose not to engage in the social media race during his holiday. Instead, he added, “I cherished the moment and the magic of London, steering clear of the virtual world.” Rumours have been swirling about Ashrut Jain’s meetings with management agencies in London. When asked about these meetings, Jain responded, “My only dream is to bring global recognition for Indian Cinema. I made my film debut with Sir Sanjay Leela Bhansali, did my OTT debut with Rohit Shetty Sir, so it’s obvious that I will make my Hollywood debut with the biggest and the best еvеr”.
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Rohit Shetty had offered Golmaal to Shilpa Shetty: “We were supposed to work 14 years ago”
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