Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) threw Fox’s Jesse Watters for a loop with an anecdote about an undocumented immigrant who would vote for Donald Trump if he could
Luna cited growing support for Trump among Latinos and predicted he will defeat President Joe Biden in November’s election.
“You sound so confident that he’s going to win,” Watters said. “Is it just based on the minorities leaving the Democrats?”
“It’s not just minorities,” she said. “It is independent and young voters. You know, we saw some of that polling out of Michigan. People that typically haven’t gotten involved before that aren’t able to afford homes, that are really scared about what’s happening with the economy, they’re voting for President Trump. And every single time they attack this man, I mean, he really is the Teflon don.”
Luna then pointed to an interview CNN conducted with an undocumented worker that yielded a surprising result, leaving the Fox News host speechless:
LUNA: And the fact is that this is showing the American people that not only can we not tolerate this, but, are they going to vote in defense of him? But also CNN had an interview with illegal immigrants that said that they would vote for Trump because they don’t want corruption if they had the ability to vote. So, that’s an interesting plot twist that I never even expected.
WATTERS: Wellllll. [PAUSE, LAUGH] Those probably would be the only illegal immigrants the Democrats don’t want voting.
Luna was likely referring to a CNN interview earlier this month with an undocumented mechanic named Gelacio Velazquez. Though he called Trump “racist,” Velazquez said he would nonetheless vote for Trump if he could vote.
Watch above via Fox News.
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