Just a day after Rashmika Mandanna went viral for her cute moments with Ranbir Kapoor and team of Animal at the success bash, here is another piece of news. Rumours that Rashmika Mandanna and Vijay Deverakonda making their relationship public in February 2024 are doing the rounds. The actress, 27 and Vijay Deverakonda, 34 are supposed to be getting engaged next month, in the second week. As per a report in News18, they will go public with their relationship after that. Those follow the two hot stars from South know that rumours of them being a couple started doing the rounds after the 2018 movie Geetha Govindam.
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Watch Rashmika Mandanna and Ranbir Kapoor’s cute moment at Animal success bash
Rashmika Mandanna and Vijay Deverakonda in a live-in
If rumour mills and fan clubs were to be believed then the two had been a live-in since Geeta Govindham. In fact, some days back people noticed similar backgrounds where the two were posing. While some said they could be staying at the same complex, others said they were together. People have noticed similarities in their holiday pics too. The marriage rumours began after Rashmika Mandanna left a sweet comment when a fan said he hoped he did get a wife like her. The fan had posted, “You are our National Crush Mam. I hope one day I will get a wife like you.” On reading that, she replied, “Awww.. when I do get married, I hope my man thinks of me as a wonderful wife too..”
Rashmika Mandanna and Vijay Deverakonda’s moments with family
Fans had clicked the two with their families and friends in a five-star hotel. The actor was in a purple tee. They are wondering if the two were discussing a date for the engagement or wedding. Rashmika Mandanna was previously engaged to Rakshit Shetty, the star of Charlie but the two broke up due to some reasons. The actor said that they were still in touch. In fact, Ranbir Kapoor also hinted at Vijay Deverakonda and Rashmika Mandanna’s relationship during the promotions of Animal. Now, only an official confirmation can end this non-stop speculation.
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