Knives were out for Tamil Nadu-born former bureaucrat VK Pandian after the Biju Janata Dal’s shock defeat in Odisha after an uninterrupted reign of 24 years. Acknowledging the regional party’s loss, the 5T secretary – known to be Naveen Patnaik’s right-hand man – quit politics on Sunday, by apologising to the people of the state in a video that has now gone viral.
Ironically, Pandian broke his silence and withdrew from politics on June 9, a day he had promised Naveen Patnaik would take oath as chief minister for the sixth time failing which he would take sanyaas. In a big gamble, he led the BJD’s campaign in the Lok Sabha and assembly elections even as there were murmurs that local party leaders were sidelined in the process.
Many videos of him, for instance one in which he tried hiding Patnaik’s trembling hands, had gone viral adding fuel to the campaigns of the BJP and Congress. In a way, all of this indicated that the outgoing chief minister was no longer in control and, if elected for another term, the ex-IAS officer will actually be at the helm of affairs.
Now, Pandian has announced that he has “consciously withdrawn from active politics” with his decision coming only five days after the BJD suffered heavy losses in the elections. Patnaik’s attempt at creating history by winning a sixth straight term also came to a halt, with his close aide saying: “I am sorry if I have hurt anyone in this journey.”
Was Pandian missing in action after BJD loss?
Pandian has not been spotted at all since the counting of votes on June 4, and he was missing in action when Patnaik went to submit his resignation to the governor. He was also absent when the BJD boss met newly elected MLAs and losing candidates. Later, BJD MP Sasmit Patra said Pandian was in Delhi on Patnaik’s instructions. This, however, made matters worse for the party.
The outgoing CM had to deal with the aftermath all on his own, with one after another BJD leader blaming the former bureaucrat for the role he played in the party’s defeat. In an unprecedented move, leaders of the BJD’s youth wing also shouted slogans against Pandian with the threat of a split in the party.
On Saturday (June 8), Patnaik defended his embattled lieutenant and said the criticism towards Pandian was “unfortunate” and he was not his successor. But, there was no stemming the antagonism against his aide, be it among the public or at a political level.
It can be the main reason why Pandian has been driven to quit politics. Ironically, he had announced in a rally in the run-up to the polls, that if Patnaik did not take oath as CM on June 9, he would quit.
Here’s a look at what VK Pandian said in his video:
On his association with Odisha
Pandian’s video lasted for more than five minutes, in which he said: “My intent of joining politics was only and only to assist Naveen babu and, now, I have consciously decided to withdraw from active politics. I am sorry if I have hurt anyone in this journey. I am sorry if this campaign against me had a part to play in the Biju Janata Dal’s loss. I apologise (with hands folded) to the entire Biju pariwar, including all the karmis (workers). And my heartfelt gratitude to the lakhs and lakhs in the Biju pariwar that I am associated with. I will always keep Odisha at the core of my heart and my guru, Naveen babu, in every breath and pray to Lord Jagannath for their well-being and prosperity.”
In his video statement, he also tried to answer some questions raised by the opposition and a few BJD leaders on his role. He said he comes from a humble background and a small village.
“My dream since childhood was to join the IAS and serve the people. Lord Jagannath made it happen. Because of my family from Kendrapara, I came to Odisha and, since the day I set foot on Odisha’s soil, I have received immense love and affection from the people – from Dharamgarh to Rourkela to Mayurbhanj to Ganjam, I have tried to work very hard for the people,” he said.
The 49-year-old said he joined the chief minister’s office 12 years ago and it has been an honour to work for Patnaik. The experience, the learning I had from him is for lifetimes. “His grace, leadership, ethics and, above all, his love for the people of Odisha always inspired me,” he said.
On the 5T vision, milestones alongside Patnaik
Pandian, who was in the eye of a political storm throughout the poll campaign with other parties calling him an “outsider”, said together with Patnaik, he has successfully achieved numerous milestones in health, education, poverty reduction, sports, investment, women’s empowerment, infrastructure as well as temple and heritage projects. He added that working for the youth, especially school and college students, gave him a lot of satisfaction.
“My own childhood memories studying in a government school helped me implement the chief minister’s vision to transform schools under 5T. During Covid, we travelled to almost all 30 districts to ensure that the health infrastructure is ready to serve the people,” Pandian said.
On his closeness to Naveen babu
Highlighting the work he has done, the BJD leader said his only intention was to help the CM as anyone would their mentor and family. “In this time, we faced two super cyclones – Fani and Phailin – and we really worked hard to save lives. I left the IAS, taking voluntary retirement and joined the Biju Janata Dal to assist my mentor Shri Naveen Patnaik. My only intent was to help him as anyone would his mentor and family,” he said.
Pandian, however, acknowledged that he let the BJP and Congress run away with the political narrative. And, he even tried to set certain perceptions and narratives straight. He said it was his shortcoming that he was not unable to effectively counter “some of these political narratives at the right time”.
“I reiterate that I came to politics to help my mentor Shri Naveen Patnaik ahead of the gruelling elections and I had no desire whatsoever for a specific political post or power. Therefore, I was never a candidate nor was I holding any post in the Biju Janata Dal,” he said.
On allegations of wealth accumulation
Once one of the most powerful bureaucrats in the state, and later an influential politician, Pandian also responded to the allegations of him amassing wealth. “For the past 12 years, I have tried to work from morning to midnight keeping Odisha and Naveen babu as my focus. To date, the only property I have is what I have inherited from my grandparents. I or my immediate family have no other property anywhere in the world. My property statement, when I joined the Indian Administrative Service remains the same even today after 24 years. The biggest earning in my lifetime has been the love and affection of the people of Odisha,” he said.